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  • Salty Situation, The Sweets Squeeze

    FFor many convenience store chains, snacking, of either the sweet or salty variety, represents a huge chunk of in-store business. Not to mention the bundling and cross-merchandising opportunities to be had with other products.
  • James Jeffords Defects From GOP

    Vermont Senator's move shifts control of Senate, impacts Bush agenda.
  • BP Sees Downside in Bush Energy Plan

    Oil conglomerate also close to selling off three refineries.
  • Specialty Coffee Market Still Growing

    Convenience store retailers and gourmet operators such as Starbucks are preparing to meet demand.
  • Associations

    Marconi Commerce Systems, headquartered in Greensboro, N.C., appointed Adam Grasso service program sales manager, and Shawn Hanlon, district sales manager for the northern region.
  • C-Stores 'Burned' by Wildfires

    Ignited by lightning storms and stoked by the winds of an especially hot, dry summer, wildfires swept through Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming, South Dakota and northern Nevada this summer, destroying well over 3.5 million acres of forest.
  • Suppliers

    Hudson, Ohio-based Dairy Mart Convenience Stores Inc. named Najib Tegey director of store operations, and Gary Feldman director of gasoline operations.
  • U.S. Retailers Learn From Europe Fuel Crisis

    With the petroleum business slowly returning to normal in Europe, retailers in the United States expressed concern that aggressive consumer behavior demonstrated overseas could be an ominous sign of things to come this winter if fuel prices keep rising.
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