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  • Retailers Catch Break in Ohio

    Tobacco-using minors in Montgomery County to face fines and other penalties.
  • Iced Coffee in Hot Demand

    The National Coffee Association said the cool beverage is a hit with the 18- to 24-year old demographic.
  • McDonald's Expanding Electronic Pay

    Tests for cashless purchases now available at more units in Chicago, New York and California.
  • Busy Summer Expected

    Convenience stores could expect increased sales of snacks and beverages.
  • News Briefs

    Analysts once raised red flags warning that online convenience stores and Internet grocers could grow to be the next big threat to brick-and-mortar retailers. A year later, however, it's the online retailers that are scrambling for survival.
  • Mason Short Stop, Mason, Texas

    For owner Charles Reichenau, the biggest headache of his redesign came when he looked across the street every day. Because he was looking at his competition front and center.
  • Salty Situation, The Sweets Squeeze

    FFor many convenience store chains, snacking, of either the sweet or salty variety, represents a huge chunk of in-store business. Not to mention the bundling and cross-merchandising opportunities to be had with other products.
  • BP's Hitting Its Stride

    Many years ago Paul Revere rode through the American colonies shouting his famous line, "The British are coming!" More than 225 years later, many U.S-based oil companies continue to echo his cry.
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