Swisher Renews Data Pact With National Retail Solutions
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Swisher inked a multi-year deal with National Retail Solutions to expand its brand strategies with independent retailers.
The tobacco company renewed its data license agreement with NRS, a subsidiary of IDT Corp., for certain point-of-sale (POS) scanner data.
"The NRS data has given Swisher a line of sight into a segment of retail that has been hard for us to read. This dataset has enabled us to both build out brand strategies tailored to the independent and also act tactically against sizable store-level opportunities," said Greg Schmidt, senior director of Business Analytics at Swisher. "We have just scratched the surface with our efforts."
The NRS POS network serves more than 13,100 independent convenience stores and other small format retailers.
"We are excited to continue to work with Swisher to unlock the opportunity within the independent tobacco licensed retailers that are part of the NRS network," explained Vanessa Strain, vice president of Sales with NRS. "Brands that understand the value and upside of these stores and activate the insights derived from our first of its kind dataset are positioned to enjoy growth that outpaces the industry."
Swisher is based in Jacksonville. Its portfolio includes Swisher Sweets cigars and classic tobacco brands such as Optimo, Goodies, King Edward and Mail Pouch.