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Woman Irate Over Store Display

SILT, Colo. -- Retailers looking to merchandise the front counter with products other than cigarettes take heed. A 53-year-old Colorado woman was cited for disorderly conduct after noticing condoms displayed in plain view at the checkout stand of a local convenience store.

Mary Ann Olson lashed out at employees of Go-Fer Foods on Dec. 16, and then threatened a police officer with the wrath of God. Olson claimed the condoms promoted free sex among children and became agitated when store employees failed to remove them from the shelf.

According to Silt, Colo. Chief Paul Taylor, Olson had been to the store several times in the past, commenting on the inappropriateness of the display. Olson became especially agitated during this visit, yanked the display off the shelf, and threw the condoms all over the floor in front of several customers. At that time, store clerks had no option but to call 911.

Taylor, who arrived at the store on the call about the irate customer, told Court TV that the woman admonished him and said he'd suffer "the retribution of God" for taking the side of the store.

"Whatever her personal opinion was, this was the store's business and she had no right to become belligerent," Taylor said.

Olson has been banned from the store and could face charges if she fails to comply.
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