Kroger Supports Military ReservistsHealth care benefits and wage differentials extended for three months. 7-Eleven Increases SupportInternational operations generate more than $3 million in support for the American Red Cross relief efforts. Conoco to Raise Money for Education The 2002 Conoco Rodeo Run On the Run for scholarship funds set for Feb. 9. PMAA to Debate Drilling, Below-Cost Pricing Opposition to big-box retailers could affect association's pro-production stance. Truckers Welcome? Flying J's new focus on motorists questions whether truckstops are for truckers anymore Phillips to Settle Violations Refiner to pay more than $2.1 million in federal penalties. Texas Retailers Rage Against Big Oil Distributors and dealers accuse major petroleum companies of unfair pricing practices. Landshire Goes National New package gives local convenience stores boost in sandwich sales. Virginia Marketers Push Below-Cost Law Gasoline operators and distributors will hold a lobbying day on Jan. 16. Tougher Tobacco Laws in Alaska Stores caught selling cigarettes to minors face fines and license suspensions as part of the state's new sales measures. First Previous 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 Next Last