Credit Card Fees Could Add $20B-Plus to Holiday Spending Tab
NRF reports that consumers are expected to spend an average $902 during the November-December holiday season for a total as high as $989 billion. Based on the average 2.26% rate for Visa and Mastercard, that would include just more than $20 in swipe fees for the average family, MPC added.
According to MPC, total figures are difficult to calculate because not all purchases are paid for with credit cards; however, independent payments consulting firm CMSPI estimates that 85% of holiday purchases will be made with credit or debit cards or digital wallets and that swipe fees will total at least $20 billion this year even after allowing for cash purchases — up from $18.6 billion last year.
If all purchases were made with cards, swipe fees would total $27.7 billion, up from $26 billion, according to CMSPI.