Snack ZoneHardt Equipment introduces the Snack Zone, the newest addition to its patented line of Zone Heated Merchandisers. The Pantry Closes Shop-A-Snak DealChain's Alabama portfolio now totals 76 sites. Are Hispanic Shoppers Harder to Please? New Unilever study shows only 35 percent of Hispanic shoppers are completely satisfied with their shopping experience. 7-Eleven Launches "Pizza & A Movie" Promo For the month of May, c-store giant will offer Blockbuster coupons with a purchase of a P'EatZZa Sandwich. Fried Breakfast Burrito Piccadilly Circus Pizza announces a new Fried Breakfast Burrito that cooks in just 60 to 75 seconds. Marsh, Sun Capital Deal Made Official Deal with Sun Capital affiliate will close in the third quarter of 2006. White Hen's New Contest is "A Trip" Chain offers "Trip A Day In May Getaway" contest to coincide with launch of new southwestern-themed sandwiches. Dove Sugar Free Chocolate Dove offers the new Dove Sugar Free Chocolate for the health-conscience consumer. Pinnacle Honors Retailers at Annual 2006 Summit Flash Foods, Ricker Oil Company, WSCO Petroleum Corporation and Kroger recognized for technology advancements. Fig Newtons 100 % Whole Grain Bars Kraft Foodservice launches Fig Newtons Bars baked with 100 percent whole grain. First Previous 515 516 517 518 519 Next Last