Frontier Cigarillos
The handmade, all-natural tobacco cigars come in six flavors.
Frontier Cigarillos are handmade, all-natural tobacco cigars made with the finest premium tobaccos from Nicaragua and Dominican Republic. Wrapped in an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade leaf, these premium-style cigars come in six flavors: Honey, Honey Berry, Rum, Russian Cream, Sweet Aromatic, and Whiskey. Each cigar is individually cellophaned and packaged in a stay-fresh crushproof tin of 10 cigars. The suggested retail price is $17.99 per tin. Frontier Brands, the owner and manufacturer of Frontier Cigars, recently announced the expansion of its line with the addition of Frontier Cigarillos and Frontier XL Cigars. Both of these new offerings are made in its Dominican Republic factory, along with its flagship product Frontier Cheroots.