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Industry News & Trends

  • Menthol Suit Dismissed

    A federal court tossed out claims accusing major tobacco companies of selling more dangerous products to minorities.
  • Clerks Fooled by Teen Smokers

    A California study suggests minors flashing licenses too quickly are often able to buy cigarettes.
  • Court Orders Koch and A.P.I. to Pay Up

    Refinery worker afflicted with cancer wins $8 million in asbestos suit.
  • Group Advocates Better Fuel Economy

    Slashing demand for gasoline is the only responsible way to fight soaring U.S. pump prices, environmentalists say.
  • Williams Lands Barrett

    Valero Energy Corp. and Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Corp. weren't the only two oil companies making merger news today as Williams Cos. Inc. agreed to buy oil and natural gas company Barrett Resources Corp. for approximately $2.5 billion in cash and stock.
  • Associations

    The National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) named John Hervey chief technology officer. In this newly created position, Hervey will lead the associations technology efforts for the convenience store industry including standards, new technologies, e-commerce initiatives, and content for NACS' technology-related educational programming, particularly for the technology-focused conference.
  • C-Stores 'Burned' by Wildfires

    Sunoco has received "viable offers" for the Kendall brand, customer lists and a lubricants-blending plant in Tulsa, Okla., spokesperson Jerry Davis said. The company expects to take an unspecified third-quarter charge to write down the assets' value.
  • U.S. Retailers Learn From Europe Fuel Crisis

    The office of the Kremlin property manager Vladimir Kozhin filed the lawsuit. Attorney Nancy Ashenoff said it follows the lines of other lawsuits filed by her firm for Ecuador, Venezuela and Brazilian states.
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