Keep Your Forecourts Safer and Hazard-free with a MasonWays Emergency Spill Kit Station
MasonWays Emergency Spill Kit Stations are designed for rapid response and safe clean ups at the fuel island. Securely locked cabinet has everything required for dangerous gas and oil spills. Store employee safety equipment, absorbent materials and clean up tools conveniently in a locked cabinet outdoors or right at the pump island where they are needed. Store orange cones, disposable safety gloves, glasses, dust mask along with caution tape safely inside. Unit has ample room and shelves to store equipment in an organized manner to make responding to an emergency more efficient .
Be ready to respond rapidly and dispose of spills in accordance with approved local, state and federal regulations. Get fuel centers up and running fast with our Emergency Spill Kit Station.
For more information: 800-837-2881 [email protected]