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Oil Management Solutions for Convenience Stores
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Having a convenience store operation that functions as efficiently as any commercial restaurant kitchen is critical to producing the quality of food your consumers expect. As you add cooking tasks to your labor needs you take on more risk than back when sandwiches were all you sold. In fact, Convenience Store News reports that the fastest growing expense item for C-Stores in 2016 was worker's compensation, up +16% to $12,320 per store. That's one reason why many top names in the convenience industry use Restaurant Technologies, such as Rutter's, Krispy Krunchy Chicken, Parker's, Enmark and Circle K.
The oil management solution is a simple and easy program for convenience stores to implement and because it’s so simple and easy, it also drives productivity improvements. By eliminating manual oil handling, convenience stores reduce the amount of time wasted on non-value-added tasks and create a safer, smarter operation by increasing efficiencies.