Orchard's Edge Series by Angry Orchard
Angry Orchard introduces Orchard’s Edge, a new cider project that will develop ciders inspired by unexpected ingredients and aging processes. The first two ciders in the Orchard’s Edge series are Knotty Pear and The Old Fashioned, both of which are aged on American oak and feature non-apple fruit like pears and oranges combined with exotic spices like cardamom to work with and enhance the cider’s main ingredient, the apple. Knotty Edge Pear has a golden hue, bright appearance and a dry, subtly spicy flavor with notes of citrus and mint, while showcasing a fresh acidity and baked pear aroma. The Old Fashioned is deep golden in color, has a bright apple flavor and slight vanilla from the aged American oak, and is blended with dried tart cherries, California navel orange peel and charred bourbon barrel staves. Both varieties will be available year-round starting in February in six-packs for a suggested retail price of $11.99.