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Special Features

  • Jim Callahan, Geo H. Green Oil Co.

    It's no joke that this director of marketing began his career in the c-store industry on April Fools Day.
  • XL Energy

    XL Energy Drink launched a new 16.9-ounce can and design this month.
  • Capitalizing on a Captive Audience

    Gas Station TV teams with Murphy Oil and Nielsen Media Research, proving the effectiveness of television marketing at the gas pump.
  • Baseball Seam Bracelets

    Sportsline Distributors Inc. introduced its newest sports item that is designed using the most essential element in sports -- the ball.
  • Dentyne Mints

    Crossing over into the mint genre, Cadbury Adams USA LLC introduced new Dentyne Ice Peppermint and Dentyne Fire Spicy Cinnamon sugar-free mints.
  • Techno Charms

    BDI Marketing introduced Techno Charms, a new product line of jewelry especially developed for cell phones, cameras and MP3 Players.
  • Prevention Inside and Out

    Rutter's uses communications and technology to curb gasoline drive-offs.
  • Cost of Credit

    Gasoline retailers reel as credit and debit merchant fees erase profit margins.
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