Verifone & Bluefin Partnership
Verifone and Bluefin are partnering to provide Bluefin’s PCI-validated Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) security solution to merchants using either Verifone’s POINT or Retail Transaction Switch (RTS) solutions. Through this new partnership, merchants can reduce the cost and effort they incur when trying to comply with PCI PA DSS requirements, while mitigating the risk associated with face-to-face payments, according to the companies. The Verifone Validated P2PE solution is an incremental offering within Verifone’s payment security product line, and is designed to meet the needs of merchants of all sizes and offers multiple configurations and processing options. The solution secures credit and debit card transactions by encrypting all data within a PCI-approved point of entry device, preventing clear-text cardholder data from being available within the device or in the merchant’s system where exposure to malware is possible.