Ritas, the Anheuser-Busch line of flavored, sparkling margaritas, is targeting football fans this season with its limited-edition fall flavor, Berry-A-Rita. The mixed berry variety is available in a six-pack and it's included in the new Party with RITAS variety pack that also features fan favorites Lime-A-Rita, Straw-Ber-Rita and Mang-O-Rita. Ahead of the 2018 NFL season, Ritas is launching a series of campaigns across TV, digital and social channels. In a "Hail Berry" television commercial, Ritas teams up with former NFL quarterback Matt Leinart to introduce Berry-A-Rita. The spot will run across NBC, FOX, CBS and NFL Network during NFL programming through Sept. 30 and be supported through additional paid social media and earned media campaigns. The launch also incorporates a Ritas Football Pool and a NFL Tickets Sweepstakes.