Butz-Choquin Pipes
Arango Cigar Co. is now the exclusive U.S. importer/distributor of Butz-Choquin Pipes, which are manufactured in France. These pieces are also known and marketed as BC Pipes. Arango is warehousing and offering a wide variety of BC styles — many displaying the French aesthetic, focusing on beauty and tasteful design, and offering graceful bent and straight stems. There are a variety of colors and finishes, with bone and silver shank collars and trim fittings. Arango’s BC Pipes have suggested retail prices ranging from $65 to $90, and from $90 to $160. Arango also offers BC selections that are interpretations of British classics, Danish freehands, as well as churchwardens, vest pocket pipes, calabash shapes, and pipes with meerschaum lined bowls.