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With Technology Comes Knowledge

The rise in tech solutions gives retailers the necessary information to build a loyal customer base.
Collecting consumer data

Too often, you hear complaints that people are tied to their devices. Just look around. Pedestrians are too busy looking down at their phones to look both ways before crossing the street. Commuters are too engrossed in mobile games to realize they have missed their subway stop. The examples can go on and on. 

One advantage of this increase in technology usage is the access to information that comes along with it. Technology can be a powerful tool for building customer relationships in the convenience channel.

​​​​​​In a recent Convenience Store News webinar, LedgerPay executives pointed out that traditional loyalty programs in terms of how consumers communicate, interact and buy online have changed over the last 10 years, primarily due to the proliferation of social media and smartphones.

According to Tom Byrnes, senior vice president of marketing at LedgerPay, c-store retailers are not only competing with other local stores and chains, but also for "mindshare" with any and everyone who is selling things. Having inaccurate, limited or lag data is not an effective way to drive customer engagement or incremental spending. 

Gathering the best information and using it wisely are the building blocks to a loyal customer base, and that loyal base is at the center of everything the convenience channel does. With technology comes knowledge and as they say, knowledge is power.

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