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Removing Friction on the Forecourt

A smooth fueling experience sets the scene for a smooth in-store experience.
A motorists using a mobile app at the fuel pump

For much of the motoring public, filling up means pulling up to a convenience store. And for those fuel customers, the forecourt is their first impression of that c-store. So, why does the majority of talk about removing friction from the customer journey focus on the in-store experience?

Some convenience retailers are turning their attention to the forecourt. Scott Smith, senior director of IT at Savannah, Ga.-based Parker's Kitchen, told Convenience Store News recently that among the top expectations on the forecourt is how easy the process is, including how a customer activates the pump and how they pay — all of which can now be done through a mobile app.

To back this up, Dover Fueling Solutions' "The Future of Fueling" report revealed that 66 percent of consumers are looking for fast payment, and Generation Z specifically cited contactless and mobile payment as a top feature they expect at the pump.

C-store retailers are always looking for ways to convert fuel customers into dual in-store customers. What better way than to show them outside what they can expect if they leave their car and walk through your doors? Frictionless outside, frictionless inside.

You know what they say, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so make it count.

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